Monday, June 7, 2010

First crop of the season!

The women have been working hard the last couple of weeks and viola! We saw our first squash harvest this Saturday.

Unfortunately, the poor thing got eaten soon after the picture was taken.

The consistent afternoon showers this week has done wonders for the farm. The corn and beans have really sprouted literally overnight. Soon the women will be able to bring home some fresh veggies every Saturday.

Despite some minor setbacks this week (i.e. lawn workers mulching the new compost heap, pests munching out the cabbages) the women are continuing to work undeterred. A few women expressed interest in planting potatoes, which will have to wait until the cooler season.
A previous supply of eggplant sprout-lings were unable to be delivered so as of now, we still need some new pants to replace the cabbages in the two empty rows.

In any case, the tomatoes are definitely the high-maintenance stars on the farm.

Almost 200+ of the smaller tomatoes have been staked and tied, so they'll be no more floppy stems for the moment. Unfortunately, Lowes ran out of bamboo stakes and we still need at least 100 more. Hopefully we'll get some more permanent trellising in this week.

That's all for now!

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